You Said It: Never Stop Learning

Joe Hunter is a machine operator at Blackberry Pallet LLC in Christiansburg, Virginia. Since he works for a small company, Joe has also taken on additional roles such as webmaster, social media coordinator, admin assistant, corrective and preventative maintenance, and general problem solver. Blackberry Pallet is a pallet manufacturer of wooden pallets.


Pallet Enterprise: What is something your company does to promote unity within the company?

Hunter: As a small outfit, we all have learned how to lend a hand where needed. We can all operate any of our nailing machines and hand build pallets. Most of us have forklift experience too. So being able to jump in at any position helps to foster close teamwork.


Pallet Enterprise: What is something unique you offer your clients as far as customer service?

Hunter: We establish a partnership with our clients. With open and constant communication, we are able to deliver the pallets that they need when they need them. Our pallets are made to order and delivered per our clients’ schedule. This prevents pallets sitting around and gathering dust and mold. It also streamlines our clients’ operations and minimizes their storage requirements. We are able to provide a steady stream of pallets. This also positions us to adjust to our clients’ needs, whether production is slow, or they have a sudden increase in demand.


Pallet Enterprise: What is one of the hardest business decisions you have ever made?

Hunter: Our Viking automatic nailing pallet machine has been our dependable workhorse since the early 90’s, and she’s still going strong. However, we were running into a severe problem. Technology had changed, and replacement parts for some of the computer components were obsolete and no longer available anywhere. The machine was working fine, but we risked being shut down indefinitely if certain key components broke and no replacements could be found. The biggest decision was how and when to do a major overhaul of the automation systems and who to hire to perform the work, as there were many different options. We had to strategize when to have the machine shut down for an extended time for the overhaul yet still be able to meet our client’s needs.


Pallet Enterprise: What is the most important piece of wisdom you have gained that you hope to continue to implement within the business?

Hunter: Never stop learning. As a small company, we all help each other to make sure the job gets done. That means learning new things outside of your original job description. This adds value not only to the individual but to the business as a whole. Sometimes there is a need for the company that is not being filled, and you may be just the person to do it. Since coming to Blackberry Pallet, I have learned how to build and maintain a website, create media content to promote our products and services, use Excel VBA coding to create custom databases and forms for easier data entry and tracking, forklift operations and more.


Pallet Enterprise: What is one challenge Blackberry Pallet will tackle in 2025?

Hunter: As a manufacturer of new hardwood pallets, Blackberry Pallet is always in competition against refurbished, combo, and SYP pallets. However, the price of these pallets has dropped significantly, making it hard for pallet consumers to ignore. While offering lower initial costs, these pallets compromise on key performance factors compared to the new hardwood pallets Blackberry Pallet produces. Our new hardwood pallets will continue to have a longer lifespan, greater durability, and be less prone to defects, warping, decay, and mold growth compared to the cheaper alternatives. As a fully streamlined operation, our pallets are made to order and delivered when the customer needs them, not sitting around wasting space, collecting dust and mold. In the long term, customers will see that the cost-effective reliability of new hardwood pallets will truly protect the bottom line.

Leah Lively

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Pallet Enterprise February 2025