You Said It?Industry Experts Weigh In

You Said It?Industry Experts Weigh In

Callen Cochran is president of United Pallet Services, Inc., a custom pallet manufacturer and recycler that offers a complete range of pallet services. The company services the Northern California region with around 120 employees on an 18-acre facility located in Modesto, California.


Pallet Enterprise: What is the best part of working in the pallet industry right now?

Cochran: That’s easy, it’s all about the people. Getting to know so many remarkable “pallet people” has been a complete privilege. The pallet community is filled with family-oriented, friendly, and admirable people that I would consider role models. The best part, and my most important responsibility is the honor of investing in and working with our dedicated employees. We teach how to produce a product, and they teach us about life.


Pallet Enterprise:  What is one thing that you do at your company that sets you apart from other companies?

Cochran: We are problem solvers! We love tackling problems that other pallet providers think are too difficult. I know it sounds funny, but some of my proudest moments (not to mention my most successful sales) are the ones that start with something similar to “We have a big problem and we were given your name as someone who could help.” 


Pallet Enterprise:  How/why did you decide to get involved in the pallet industry?

Cochran: For me, I kind of married into it. I never thought I would end up in the pallet business, but I’m glad that I did. It’s a great industry with great people.


Pallet Enterprise:  What is the most important lesson you’ve learned about customer service?

Cochran: Treat the customer the way I would want to be treated in any situation. Sometimes this takes a lot more work, but at the end of the day, I can rest knowing that I did my very best to address their needs, so they are able to fulfill their commitments to their employees and customers.  


Pallet Enterprise:  How do you encourage or inspire your workers?

Cochran: I am learning to continually look for intersections to be a servant leader, which is a term that I am just now wrapping my head around. Employees want to work hard for employers that have their best interests at heart…and not just with words, but with actions. I would say it’s not so much about what I can do to encourage or inspire them, but more about making sure that they know that I care. The rest will take care of itself.  


Pallet Enterprise:  What is the favorite part of your workday?

Cochran: I’m making it my goal each day to look for ways to partner with our employees. They work so hard for us each day, so looking for ways to remove obstacles for them, whether it’s for their job or for their personal life, is what I would consider my favorite part.


Pallet Enterprise:  How have your customer expectations changed in recent years?

Cochran: We have to ask more questions when engaging with customers, especially new ones. You almost have to assume nothing and clarify everything. Our customers are extremely busy these days and seeking to understand their goals, expectations, and frustrations is the starting point of any interaction, which really helps to bring success both to them and to our company.



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