CAMAK, Ga. — Few pallet companies are large enough and diversified to the extent that they can control their raw material supply. An exception that others in the industry may want to emulate is The Timbermen Inc., a pallet manufacturer...
DARIEN, Wis. — Scott Wood Products Inc., a pallet manufacturing and recycling business in lower Wisconsin, has expanded three times in the past 10 years, more than tripling the space for its pallet assembly and recycling operations. There are two...
Speculation about PalEx has been all over the board. People have been wondering what the largest pallet company in North America was doing because the news waves had been devoid of any significant hard PalEx news. Many have speculated that...
HAMMOND, Ind. Jeff Bridgegroom had a problem. The vice president and general manager of Calumet Pallet Co. Inc., he found that some pallets made of recycled parts and assembled on the companys new Viking nailing machine exhibited the "rocking...
CHICAGO — Plastic pallets continue to evolve in terms of performance and variety, as well as in the marketing approaches by manufacturers and vendors. Among the most recent trends: improved rackability at more competitive pricing, new leasing options, and some...
In a move that caught many pallet people by surprise, PalEx and International Food Container Organization (IFCO) plan to merge into a new business to be called IFCO Systems. IFCO Systems will be a marriage of a German-based company that...
GATEWOOD, Mo. In the southern Missouri Ozarks, tracts of land that are part of the Mark Twain National Forest have a peculiar geometry. The angular-shaped parcels of this national forest make a map-green mosaic that stretches from near the...
GRANTVILLE, Pa. — John P. Backenstoes is a lucky man, and he knows it. Many people who have headed warily into a second career never find the satisfaction that John has found from working with his hands and running a...
A few years ago nobody had heard of Y2K. Now the media is awash with Y2K updates. Attitudes vary widely about what will happen when we ring in the new year. Increasingly people are expressing concern about this year as...
As recently as 10 years ago, the Pallet and Container Research Laboratory at Virginia Tech would receive about one request every other year from a lawyer seeking expert testimony in a lawsuit involving a failed pallet. Now, the laboratory receives...