Reform and Rising Health Care Costs:... - Pallet Enterprise

Pallets > General Advice

December, 1, 2011

Reform and Rising Health Care Costs: What Is the Impact of Proposed Changes on Your Business?
As 2011 comes to a close, questions about President Obamas highly publicized Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act linger for many small businesses still reeling from the nations worst economic crisis in decades. Companies large and small are struggling to...

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Lumber Industry Forecast: Outlook or Look... - Pallet Enterprise

Sawmills > Lumber Market

December, 1, 2011

Lumber Industry Forecast: Outlook or Look Out ?  Reading Trends for 2012
There is an old adage that says, The more things change, the more they stay the same. I never have found that one to be functionally practical the way many old sayings can often be. Maybe it actually refers to...

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Brewco Moves Ahead with Aggressive Innovations... - Pallet Enterprise

Pallets > Equipment, Products & Services

December, 1, 2011

Brewco Moves Ahead with Aggressive Innovations Driven by Experienced Leadership
Neopal Turns to Brewco for Sawing Innovations In 2005 after six years of being an innovative pallet manufacturer in the Houston, Texas area, Neopal had outgrown its manufacturing facility. It explored existing building options and after three more years concluded...

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Letter from Ed: Looking Back to... - Pallet Enterprise


December, 1, 2011

Letter from Ed: Looking Back to the Future ?  It?s Time to Take Action!
It is hard for me to believe that it has been thirty years since I published our first Pallet Enterprise issue at the end of 1981. Probably the most common overall theme of Chailles and my regular letters to our...

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Cresswood Launches ?Destroyer Max? Drive System - Pallet Enterprise

Pallets > Equipment, Products & Services

November, 1, 2011

Cresswood Launches ?Destroyer Max? Drive System
Cresswood Shredding Machinery in Cortland, Ill., is introducing its new Destroyer-Max Drive System for its Destroyer line of single-shaft, low-rpm grinders. Wood pallet manufacturing and recycling operations are increasingly challenged to produce the greatest volume of output at the lowest...

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Millwood Hires Former Unit Load Center... - Pallet Enterprise

Sawmills > Equipment, Products & Services

November, 1, 2011

Millwood Hires Former Unit Load Center Director
Millwood Inc. (, which specializes in transport packaging solutions, recently hired Ralph Rupert, the former director of the Virginia Tech Center for Unit Load Design (Center). Rupert joins Millwood as its manager of unit load technology as the Center undergoes...

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iGPS Taps Logistics Executive as New... - Pallet Enterprise

Pallets > Pallet News

November, 1, 2011

iGPS Taps Logistics Executive as New CEO
Looking to solve one of its core operational challenges, Intelligent Global Pooling Systems (iGPS) has named Richard Dick DiStasio as the companys CEO after a lengthy search to replace company founder Bob Moore. iGPS operates a large pool of all-plastic...

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NLRB Requires Posting of Unionization Rights - Pallet Enterprise

Pallets > Government

November, 1, 2011

NLRB Requires Posting of Unionization Rights
The National Labor Relations Board (the NLRB) has issued a Final Rule that will require employers to notify employees of their rights to collective bargaining under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) as of November 14, 2011. Private-sector employers (including...

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Euro Pool System Buys LPR - Pallet Enterprise

Logging > Associations

November, 1, 2011

Euro Pool System Buys LPR
One of the major pallet rental companies in Europe, La Palette Rouge (LPR), based in Toulouse France, was recently sold to Euro Pool System International by its previous owner, AtriA Capital Partenaires. LPR is the #2 private pallet pooler in...

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USDA Urges Builders to Prioritize Wood... - Pallet Enterprise

Logging > Environmental Issues

November, 1, 2011

USDA Urges Builders to Prioritize Wood in Green Buildings
The federal government has finally come out and admitted what people in the forest products industry have known for a long time using wood is good for the environment. Government officials have started urging builders to prioritize the use of...

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