Legend: Forms of pallet lumber supplied

  1. Dense mixed hardwood cants
  2. Dense mixed hardwood 6/4 - 8/4
  3. Dense mixed hardwood 4/4 (4 & 6")
  4. Dense mixed hardwood 4/4 RW
  5. Dense mixed hardwood cut stock
  6. Aspen cants
  7. Aspen 4/4 - 8/4
  8. Aspen cut stock
  9. Poplar cants
  10. Poplar 4/4 - 8/4
  11. Poplar cut stock
  12. Alder cut stock
  13. SYP #3 & #4 RL
  14. SYP cut stock
  15. SPF #3 & #4 RL
  16. SPF cut stock
  17. DF #3 & #4 RL
  18. DF cut stock
  19. Hem-fir #3 & #4 RL
  20. Hem-fir cut stock
  21. Plywood/OSB
  22. Recycled repair boards/lumber
  23. Crate and/or box shook
  24. Notched stringers
  25. Chamfered deckboards
  26. Heat Treat Services/Material

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Pallet Enterprise November 2024


PO Box 40130
Beaverton, OR 97404
Phone: 360/941-0963
Fax: 541/689-9937
Contact: Jeff Carr jeff.carr@northwesthardwoods.com
Forms of pallet lumber supplied: 1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 21, 24, Basswood cants.

5560 SW 107th Ave
Beaverton, OR 97005
Phone: 925/548-0730
Contact: Daniel Rodriguez rodriguez@lumber.com
Forms of pallet lumber supplied: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24,