Members of the International Staple, Nail and Tool Association (ISANTA) re-elected Ed Sutt as chairman of the board of directors for 2008. Ed is the engineering manager of fastener technology for Stanley-Bostitch.
The association also elected Steve Karaga as vice chairman and re-elected Mark Kania as secretary-treasurer. Steve is chief operating officer and executive vice president of Hitachi Koki USA Ltd. and Mark is chief financial officer of ISM Acquisition Corp.
Mark Hickok of Milwaukee Electric Tool was appointed chairman of the legislative and legal advisory committee, Chuck Hotze of Fasco-Beck was named chairman of the public relations committee and Chuck Iker of Senco was appointed chairman of the technology committee.
ISANTA has 22 member companies, including manufacturers of pneumatic nailing tools and collated fasteners.
The association makes recommendations for fastening operations, product and safety standards, and offers safety programs for fasteners and fastening tools used in the pallet and container industry and other industries.