Dismantling Machines Fuel Lumber Recovery and Recycling Operations

Dismantling used and scrap pallets to recover and recycle lumber is a key task for pallet recycling operations.

Dismantling pallets provides a steady stream of raw material for repair stock to refurbish pallets, for assembling ‘combo’ pallets made of new and used lumber and building pallets of 100 % recycled material.

There are a few types of pallet dismantlers that machinery suppliers have developed over the years. Bandsaw dismantlers probably are the most common, followed by rotary or shear dismantlers. A third type uses leverage to pull deck boards from the stringers.

Bandsaw dismantlers are equipped with a disposable fast-moving, metal-cutting bandsaw blade. The worker pulls the pallet toward him, into the blade, which severs the nails and separates the deck boards from the stringers. The worker turns the pallet over to complete the process. The machines can be configured to be operated by one person or two.

Dismantling pallets on a bandsaw machine likely is the most physically taxing work compared to other types of dismantlers because the worker is pulling the pallet into the blade and also turning the pallet over.

Rotary or shear dismantlers feature a set of circular steel plates that separate the deck boards and stringers as the pallet is mechanically pushed through the ‘heads’ of steel plates. This type of machine requires only one operator.

The dismantler does all the work of separating the lumber, but like the bandsaw machine, the worker still must turn over the pallet to complete the process.

The leverage machine is powered by pneumatics. Like the rotary or shear type, the machine does the work of separating the lumber, but the worker still must feed the pallet into the equipment and turn it over to complete the process.

Factors to consider in weighing what type of machine to buy include price, labor, projected production, performance, quality of end product, and maintenance, including the cost of bandsaw blades.

Manufacturers and suppliers offer various options and models for recyclers. These include machines with a table or surface that can accommodate pallets of various sizes, power options, different systems (tires or steel wheels) for running bandsaw blades, and more. Some suppliers offer bandsaw machines with adjustable table height and a blade guard.

Some models may feature a trough or other feature that allows the reclaimed material to slide or drop off the machine to an area to be accumulated. They can be configured with conveyors so the lumber is automatically carried away. For example, the dismantler can be configured with a conveyor to carry the lumber directly to a trim saw to be cut to length. Some manufacturers offer portable, towable models that can be easily transported to a customer location to perform dismantling on-site.

Conveyors and other equipment can be added to bring pallets to the dismantler, eliminating the labor involved in manually pulling pallets down one at a time from a stack and placing them on the machine. Tippers, de-stackers or dispensers and other equipment can bring the pallet to the workstation at the same level as the machine, eliminating the hard work of lifting and carrying pallets. These options can automate tasks and reduce labor. By eliminating unnecessary steps, these options can improve efficiency and production as well as reduce the labor and fatigue of workers.

This Dismantler Guide offers information about manufacturers and suppliers of various pallet disassembly equipment. Some companies specialize in one type, some offer different types. Suppliers are listed in alphabetical order.


Alliance Automation

(419) 238-2520




Alliance Automation and SMETCO Inc. provide custom solutions for pallet and material handling challenges. Their innovative Robotic Dismantling System is extremely versatile and allows for consistent throughput and increased output with less physical labor.

The Robotic Pallet Dismantler can handle multiple sizes and types of pallets, including stringer pallets, skid pallets, and block pallets. Continual pallet tear down as well as the variety of pallet sizes accepted can help reduce downtime and keep pallet yards looking clean.

This system will help tackle labor challenges by performing the physically demanding work, allowing employees to move to other positions within the company. Reducing physical strain on employees and protecting them with a safety barrier provides a much easier, safer work environment than the traditional manual bandsaw dismantler.

The Robotic Pallet Dismantler can be customized to fit within restricted spaces and operate with specific requirements. Components of the system include: operator station, infeed conveyor, powered conveyor, robot, end of arm tool, integrated bandsaw, RIA standard guarding, and a vacuum system.

The Alliance Automation team of experts provides training that allows operation of the Robotic Pallet Dismantler with ease.

This revolutionary technology can provide numerous benefits for pallet recyclers.

For more information, contact Alliance Automation at (419) 238-2520 or visit www.allianceautomation.com.


Bronco Pallet Systems

Morris Self

(800) 458-5462




Bronco Pallet Systems offers a leverage dismantler for disassembling pallets. It is an air-powered machine that pulls the deck board away from the stringers without damaging the stringers. The dismantler removes the board and also some of the nails.

One operator can dismantle 60-80 pallets per hour, 400-600 per day, depending on the quality of the pallets.

The machine features a safety bar across the back that prevents pallet parts from being discharged toward the operator.

The Bronco leverage dismantler can be used to disassemble both stringer and block pallets, and it is adjustable for different size pallets.

Unlike a bandsaw pallet dismantler, no blades are required. With no hydraulic or electric components, the machine is low on maintenance. Bronco has a five-year warranty on parts.

The machine operates on 100 PSI compressed air. It also features air couplers for pneumatic nailers and hand-held platers and can function as a pallet repair workstation.


Heartland Fabrication & Machine

Erick Finke

(920) 822-2215




Heartland Fabrication & Machine has over 25 years of experience building machinery for the pallet and lumber industries. The company utilizes proven designs and solid construction to provide dependable, affordable machinery.

The Heartland B60 bandsaw dismantler is available in four sizes and can be customized with various options. The B60, the standard model, has a 60-inch table and can be operated either by one man or two. One man can dismantle up to 300 pallets per 8-hour shift, and two men, 500.

The standard B60 model uses a 24-foot blade that runs at 4,200 feet per minute. It is powered by a 10 hp motor. It features a pneumatic blade tensioning system and a guide system with dual roller bearings. Table adjustment is pneumatically controlled.

Heartland offers numerous options, including a larger table, 15 hp motor, conveyors, and more. The company also offers systems featuring multiple machines operating in-line with conveyors to collect the reclaimed lumber.

For more information, call Erick Finke at Heartland Fabrication & Machine at the number listed above.


Industrial Resources

Martin VanDenack

(616) 791-7500




Industrial Resources offers two models of bandsaw dismantlers for lumber recovery and recycling operations.

The Wolverine II offers industry-leading components as standard equipment, including a pneumatic, automatic-constant pressure blade tensioning system for longer blade life and a quick blade change system to reduce downtime. The Wolverine II operates with a 23-foot, 9-inch blade and can dismantle 400-600 pallets per shift with one worker. Features include 64-inch wide table, push-button table adjustment, large diameter pneumatic drive and idler tires, and high-speed, high-torque 15 hp motor. It can be combined with conveyors and an Industrial Resources trim saw for a complete wood recovery system. Options include two-man configuration, single-phase power and variable speed motor.

The Rapid Cut II, for high-volume production, quickly removes top or bottom boards from any stringer pallet in seconds. One operator can disassemble 800-1,000 pallets per shift.

The Rapid Cut II, which also has a 64-inch wide table, runs a 22-foot, 10-inch blade and features an extreme heavy-duty blade guide system and a high-torque drive train. The 15 hp direct drive motor powers the blade to 4,200 feet per minute. Other features include adjustable table height and air spring tensioning for reduced blade shock.

For more information, call Martin VanDenack.


PRS Group

US Toll Free: (866) 546-8864

International: (217) 291-0009




PRS offers a multitude of pallet dismantling solutions to accommodate any pallet recycler’s needs. The variety of machines includes several bandsaw models: SPARTAN Bandsaw, PROSAW Band Dismantlers (models 15, AT, and AT-15), PROSAW Band Dismantler XP, PROSAW XP-ONE, and PROSAW XP-TWO. PRS also offers two rotary type dismantlers: Recycler Single and Recycler 3-Head Pallet Dismantlers.

The most economical model is the SPARTAN Bandsaw, which can be operated by one or two people. It cuts smoothly with a 10 hp direct drive saw motor that sets the blade speed at 2,200 surface feet per minute. The machine features a 21-foot, 9-inch blade, a heavy-duty gear reducer, and simple mechanical blade tensioning. The SPARTAN line also includes an adjustable table model.

PROSAW Band Dismantlers have become known as the heavyweight production machine of choice. These dismantlers are high-speed, belt-driven, and are available in both 10 hp and 15 hp models. PRS offers models with fixed table heights, electronically adjustable table heights, one or two operator designs, and lumber chutes.

For high-volume pallet dismantling requirements, consider the PROSAW XP-TWO dismantling system. It includes two bandsaws and two lumber conveyors. This system includes two 15 hp PROSAW Dismantlers with integral lumber chutes. The 20×1 troughed belt conveyor and 10×1 troughed belt conveyor provide efficient material handling and higher production rates. Each XP-TWO requires only one operator, reducing labor.

PRS invented and patented 3-head rotary pallet dismantling equipment several decades ago. It continues to manufacture an industry-leading, heavy-duty version – the Recycler 3-Head. This machine makes it easy to dismantle 3-stringer pallets. Powerful 15 hp hydraulics drive the pusher ram to do all the hard work. Blades made of tool steel shear the nails and hold up to years of continuous service. Lumber conveyors are built into the Recycler 3-Head to complement the machine’s high production capacity.


Saw Service & Supply

Gary Snyder

(800) 735-5604




The Hawk bandsaw pallet dismantler offered by Saw Service & Supply was designed with two objectives: increase production, and increase blade life.

The Hawk is a high-speed pallet dismantler featuring a blade speed of 3,900 surface feet per minute. Although it is designed as a two-man machine, it has a removable flip bar and can be operated by one man.

The Hawk has the capability to dismantle 60 to 90 pallets per hour. Although your results may vary, that equates to an average of over 600 pallets per day.

The machine has a feed-side pivot plate that enables the operator to find the slot between the deck board and stringer. This feature eliminates the need for an adjustable table and additional motor.

The Hawk drive train consists of the largest tires in the industry. It features 31-inch diameter truck tires and rims — the largest diameter tires for any dismantler. This feature extends blade life significantly by reducing blade stress and fatigue. Saw Service says you will dismantle more pallets per blade with the Hawk! The pneumatic air bag for tensioning the blade is another feature that adds to blade life.

The Hawk is built ruggedly. It is fabricated with 4×4 square steel, and the deck is manufactured with 5/8-inch steel. It is powered by a three-phase electric 15 hp motor, standard, for lots of power.

For more information about the Hawk and what it can do for you, contact Gary Snyder at Saw Service & Supply at the number listed above.


Smart Products

Ken Hess

(765) 284-9545




Smart Products offers several bandsaw machines: one-operator machines, two-operator machines, systems complete with conveyor and trim saw, and portable machines.

The Smart Products one-man bandsaw dismantler can disassemble 600 pallets per 8-hour shift. Blade life, in most cases, ranges from 1,000 to 1,500 pallets. The base machines have either a 52-inch or 64-inch capacity and are powered by a 10 HP Baldor motor with a choice of gear reduction units that will drive the blade at 2,600 feet per minute or 3,700 feet per minute. Other features include improved hydraulic blade tensioning, durable blade guide bearings for low maintenance, and push-button table height adjustment. Options include: deck board conveyors for disassembled lumber transport, single-phase electric motors, gasoline powered engines (Honda 20.2 HP units are standard), and “quick-adjust” tables to accommodate the prep for repair, or complete disassembly of various styles and types of pallets.

The company’s two-man bandsaw dismantler can be used to disassemble pallets as well. Base machines also start at a capacity of 52 inches or 64 inches and are powered similarly as the 1-person machines with options and features that mirror its 1-person styles as well.

The base Smart Products pallet dismantler system (PDS), consists of a 1-person front discharge style dismantler dropping boards onto a 17’ long accumulating chain conveyor (ACC). At the end of the ACC is a connected single-end power feed trim saw (can be either inclined or flat) loaded by 1 operator. The Smart Products PDS can achieve production levels of over 1,000 pallets per 8-hour shift. Optional chutes attached to the ACC allow for the placement of an additional dismantler to the side of the ACC that will allow operators to double the production levels that can be achieved from this PDS.  Optional scrap conveyors allow for “hands-free” collection of scrap from the trim saw to go directly into a dumpster for disposition. 

The Smart Products portable dismantler is a towable unit powered by a Honda 20.2 HP gasoline engine with electric start. Available in either 52-inch or 64-inch capacity, this normally 2-person machine can dismantle up to 700 pallets per 8-hour shift. It has many of the same features, including push-button table height adjustment, improved hydraulic blade tensioning, and durable blade guide bearings for low maintenance.


Universal Machinery Sales

Mona C. Tracy

(812) 298-8090




Universal Machinery Sales offers several equipment solutions for pallet disassembly, including both bandsaw and disc-type machines.

The Run-A-Gade and Mark-I bandsaw disassemblers are machines your company can grow with.

The basic Mark I can be an independent machine to disassemble pallets. Add a conveyor system later, and two of the machines can be operated in tandem.

One man operating the Mark I can disassemble 400-700 pallets per 8-hour shift. It also can be set up for two-man operation.

The Mark I has a large 62-inch table standard along with adjustable stringer height. It is powered by a 10 hp single or three-phase electric motor.

The Run-A-Gade, designed with the machine and a conveyor system, is the top of the line disassembler featuring solid construction, excellent safety and handling. It is equipped with a 15 hp motor for faster speed, allowing greater yield in processing used pallets to reclaim and recycle lumber. The Run-A-Gade features longer blade life along with pneumatic blade tensioning and heavy-duty guides. Designed for one-man operation, a two-man configuration is available.

Both the Mark I and the Run-A-Gade are designed to maximize blade life. The ease of movement and rapid pallet disassembly will help grow your profits. Universal Machinery will gladly refer you to customers who own and operate these machines so you can learn first-hand how well the machines have produced for them.

The Trio is a shear or disc style pallet disassembler for high production. It can disassemble 800-1,000 pallets in an 8-hour shift.

This 3-head machine is equipped with a 15 hp motor and features a safe hand lever operation. The Trio offers long blade life and a low scrap ratio. It can disassemble pallets up to 54×62.

With takeaway conveyors and separation of materials, the Trio reduces labor for your operator.

Universal also offers the Solo single-head disc-type machine to disassemble a single stringer of an entire pallet.

For more information about any of these machines, contact Mona C. Tracy at Universal Machinery Sales at the number listed above.



Brad Kirkaldy

(765) 228-6775




The Wood-Mizer Pallet Hawg® PD200 Bandsaw Pallet Dismantler is engineered for a full range of pallet recycling tasks, including pallet prep, repair, dismantling, and lumber recovery.

Designed for one or two operators, it is available in 60-inch, 72-inch, 84-inch, or 96-inch wide table capacities. The PD200 also is available with many customizable options to fit the needs of your operations, including 10 hp electric or 19 hp gas power, trailer package, rear or center drop table, and front or rear board catch.

Average production will vary per 8-hour shift, but the PD200 is designed to dismantle approximately 400 pallets per shift with one operator.

Two easily removable pass back bars located above the blade allow for a quick transition between a two-person and one-person operation.

A pneumatic table lift has preset heights with 5-½ inches of travel below the blade to enable quick, convenient shifting between upper and lower cut points to easily adjust for block pallets, stringer pallets, or specialty pallets and skids.

The bi-metal bandsaw blade runs at 2,200 feet per minute. Due to the unique combination of high torque and low RPMs, the blade has an expected life of up to 1,500 dismantled pallets, which is nearly double the blade life of other pallet dismantling saws.

A mechanical blade tensioning system ensures proper blade tension at all times, unlike air or hydraulic blade tensioning systems. Removable cabinets allow for easy access to the two 27-inch bias ply tires and blade guide assemblies for maintenance.

Two operator remote stop buttons are available near the table height adjustment for safety, and two built-in forklift pockets allow for easy loading and unloading of the machine for layout flexibility.

Built in the U.S. from premium quality components, the Wood-Mizer PD200 Bandsaw Pallet Dismantler is designed for low maintenance costs and years of trouble-free service.

Contact Wood-Mizer pallet recycling specialist Brad Kirkaldy for more information.



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