Mahatma Gandhi once said; “It is difficult, but not impossible, to conduct strictly honest business.” To that end, how...
Read moreThe European Pallet Association (EPAL), which oversees the largest EUR-pallet pool in the world, has won a legal battle...
Read moreLPR, the French-based pallet rental company, now delivers over 38 million pallets annually to customers in 10 European countries....
Read moreEditor’s Note: This is the first article in a series focused on educating pallet users on issues related to pallet...
Read moreIt’s been tried in the past and met with limited success. But the founders of PALNET seem to have...
Read moreAfter two years of investigation by federal authorities, IFCO Systems N.V. has reached a record $20.7 million settlement, which...
Read moreAs technology advances, the needs of the supply chain change. For many companies that recycle pallets, this can present...
Read morePallet management has been the next big thing for wood pallets for the last ten plus years. But it...
Read moreWhether it is in the pre-dawn squalor of a wet and crowded produce terminal loading dock or the polished...
Read moreIn April Wal-Mart sent its pallet pooling suppliers a letter that dramatically changed the operating environment surrounding Wal-Mart’s pallet...
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