Reach Prospects and Customers Worldwide

Don’t miss out on Web leads. Increasingly, companies are turning to the Web when doing basic research on equipment, products and services. The Pallet Enterprise online and in print offers competitive rates and a global audience.

For over 43 years, Pallet Enterprise has been the industry leader in news and information. Today, we offer content and services online that can drive visitors to your site. Other sites may have links to information; Pallet Enterprise online offers original content and knowledge that is unmatched. Your customers are clicking here – shouldn’t you consider advertising here?

The Pallet Enterprise website has developed the largest database of content on the Web related to the pallet sector and low-grade lumber sawmills. Industry leaders are looking here for answers. You should be here to tell your story.

The Pallet Enterprise website daily receives visitors from around the world including all fifty U.S. states, Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, Germany, Russia, China, France, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Netherlands, Japan, Brazil, Australia, India, Iran, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey. Reach a global audience with a cost-effective Web site advertising program.

Print Advertising

The Pallet Enterprise magazine has been the leading trade publication for the pallet and low-grade lumber industries for more than 43 years in United States and Canada. Download the Media Kit to find out more.

Button Ads

All button ads are static and smaller than banner ads. They appear on the right-hand side of the page on the homepage and article/content pages throughout the Pallet Enterprise website. This gives advertisers impressions on various pages, including the homepage. Pricing does not include banner ad design. Standard sizes for button ads are 300 width x 250 height and 336 width x 280 height in pixels. Buttons may be animated but file size is restricted. Banner ad development is also offered at $55 an hour for companies with no in-house design ability or outside agency. File size is limited to 100K maximum.

Large Rectangle Ads
Per Quarter… $2,028 (PE print display advertiser)
Per Quarter… $2,695 (Non-PE display advertiser)

Banner Ads

Rotating banner ads appear on the homepage and other high-traffic pages. Your ad will be in a rotation with other ads. Banner ad design is not included; we do offer ad development for $55 per hour. All banner ads must 468 pixels wide by 60 pixels high. File size is limited to 250k maximum.
Per Quarter… $1,234 (PE print display advertiser)
Per Quarter… $1,622 (Non-PE display advertiser)

Classified Ads

The Pallet Enterprise print classifieds are placed online in a downloadable PDF format, the print edition and an HTML version. Double your exposure with the best online/print classified deal in the industry.

Pallet Enterprise offers a number of online opportunities for reaching more potential customers.

Advertising and ad enhancements in the new digital edition
Banner and button ads on the Pallet Enterprise Web sites directory of industry suppliers
Online classifieds
Sponsor or advertise on the monthly Enterprise Insight e-newsletter
Sponsor special online sections

Custom Publishing

Have you ever wanted to have your own magazine? Now, you can. Pallet Enterprise now offers digital magazine services tailored to the needs of individual advertisers. These magazines make great catalogs and annual promotional material. Combine Enterprise content and your catalog to make a strong electronic magazine that will be sure to get noticed by potential customers. Call Chaille Brindley at 804-550-0323 to find out how these publications developed by professional journalists and writers can add major punch to your marketing program.

Email Marketing

While we don’t rent out our email list for promotional mailings, we do offer suppliers the opportunity to get their message in our email blasts that go out monthly. We send out the Enterprise Insight to about 3,700 subscribers explaining the latest content in the magazine. We also send out a similar e-mail newsletter for TimberLine to about 3,400 subscribers. We also send out a monthly classified list to about 2,700 subscribers detailing the latest classified ad changes/updates.

PE Insight E-Newsletter

Issue Sponsor $525 Graphic, link and text toward top of e-newsletter. Limit one per e-newsletter.
Graphic/Text $375 Graphic, link and text below top third of e-mail message. Message recipient will have to scroll to see. Limit three per e-newsletter.
Sponsored Content $425 Article mention, link and mini image in the top third of the message. Content development cost is extra. Limit three per e-newsletter.

Classifieds Newsletter

There is no charge to be in this email blast. The only thing you need to do is change the content of your ad every month.

To advertise in Pallet Enterprise, call Scott Brindley at 804-550-0323, extension 107 or email